Costco Labels Bible as Fiction

Costco Labels Bible as Fiction

Pastor Caleb Kaltenbach made an alarming discovery last Friday when he noticed a Simi Valley Costco had labeled all its Bibles as “fiction”. After several unsuccessful attempts to report the matter with store employees, the California Pastor snapped a photo of the Bible display and sent it to his congregation.

“People are pretty shocked and upset,” Kaltenbach said in an interview with Fox news. “We are supposed to be living in an era of tolerance, but what Costco did doesn’t seem too tolerant.”

Costco headquarters attributed the event to human error at the warehouse, but declined to comment further. This event is considered a minor mistake by many, and should not be blown out of proportion. However, in an interview with Fox news, Steven Smith states,

“To label the Bible fiction is a practical front for an ideological foundation that assumes things spiritual are unreal. What is odd about this choice is the glut of books in the ‘religion and spirituality’ sections in mainstream book stores. However, as large as ‘spirituality’ sections are, there must not be any room for Christianity. Modern thinking on spirituality is too exclusive to allow for the Bible.”