Details Emerge about Torture of ISIS Hostages before Beheadings

Details Emerge about Torture of ISIS Hostages before Beheadings

According to new reports, ISIS hostages James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines and Alan Henning were brutally tortured before they were beheaded by the terrorists. 

The New York Times reports that the prisoners were regularly beaten, waterboarded and starved. Foley, Sotloff, Haines and Henning received the worst treatment while imprisoned likely because the United States and England refused to pay ransoms for their release. 
While imprisoned, many ISIS hostages have converted to Islam, though most only pretend to convert to satisfy their captors. Foley genuinely converted to Islam, changing his name to Abu Hamza before his execution. Sotloff, however, did not convert to Islam and continued to practice his Jewish faith until he was killed.  
According to Fox News, there are three western hostages believed to still be alive. Peter Kassig, John Cantlie and an American woman whose identity is unknown remain in captivity of ISIS terrorists.
Publication date: October 27, 2014