Disney Channel Website Blocked Commenters from Using the Word 'God'

Disney Channel Website Blocked Commenters from Using the Word 'God'

A North Carolina mother says that the Disney channel website recently blocked users from mentioning God when posting comments to the page. 

Julie Anderson’s 10-year-old daughter Lilly was browsing the page when she came across a question that asked what she was thankful for, Lilly tried to type, “God, my family, my church and my friends,” but the post was blocked with a message that said, “Please be nice!”

Anderson said that she tried to type the message as well, and was greeted with the same error message. When she removed “God” from the comment, the post went through to the page. 

"It was Lilly's idea alone to include God in her post," Anderson told Todd Starnes in an interview. 

"I'm not at all anti-Disney but to shame a ten-year-old, to tell her to ‘please be nice' for thanking God and sharing her faith with others is what is upsetting to me as a mother,” Anderson continued. 

"I want my daughter, and all children of faith, to know that it is OK to share God and Jesus with their peers. I want her to know that she doesn't have to be silent about her faith. I want her to be strong and soldier on."

Publication date: December 3, 2014