Displaced Palestinian Civilians Find Shelter in Christian Church

Displaced Palestinian Civilians Find Shelter in Christian Church

About 1,000 displaced Muslim Palestinians have packed inside a Christian church in Gaza, in hopes that it will not be targeted with Israeli rocket fire. Saint Porphyrios Church of Gaza City is providing food and shelter for the refugees while fighting between Gaza and Israel rages on. 

The Daily Beast reports that 50 mosques have been bombed since the start of the conflict; Israelis reportedly believe that Hamas’ weapons are stored inside the mosques. The families who are crammed inside Saint Porphyrios hope that where they are staying will be safer. 

“It’s for Christians so it won’t be targeted,” said Etadil al Saerky, who has found refuge in the church along with 11 family members. 

Archbishop Alexios has remained positive despite the terrible circumstance in Gaza City. He reported that one woman gave birth to a healthy baby in the sanctuary on Monday. “You see, in Gaza there is also life, not only death,” Alexios said. 

Publication date: July 25, 2014