Donald Trump Ignites Controversy over Supporter Loyalty Claim

Donald Trump Ignites Controversy over Supporter Loyalty Claim

Donald Trump has ignited controversy once again after claiming that his supporters are so loyal that he would not lose any voters if he shot someone on a busy street. The comment was made at Dordt College, a small Christian Reformed college in a Republican area of Iowa. 

Trump said, “They say I have the most loyal people—did you ever see that?—where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters. Okay? It's like incredible.”

The Gospel Coalition reports that the comment prompted a slight laugh, but reactions were mixed. 

Dordt College President Erik Hoekstra said in a statement that the college did not stand behind Trump’s comment. 

“In no way do I, nor does the college, support such an odd and inappropriate comment. I have no concept of why Mr. Trump thought that was an apt example to highlight the loyalty of his followers,” Hoekstra said. 

A survey of Dordt students showed that they reacted negatively to Trump’s visit. 

Dordt College Republicans chairman Steve Kelly said, “Most students do not think that Donald Trump exemplifies the qualities of a Christian leader.”

Publication date: January 25, 2016