Donald Trump Says Ben Carson ‘Just Doesn’t Have the Experience’ to be President

Donald Trump Says Ben Carson ‘Just Doesn’t Have the Experience’ to be President

In a recent interview, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said rival candidate Ben Carson “just doesn’t have the experience” necessary to run the country.

“It’s not his thing,” Trump continued. “He doesn’t have the temperament for it.”

Trump answered questions about a number of his other Republican rivals, as well as Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

ABC News reports that Trump criticized Marco Rubio who has been gaining in polls after the most recent Republican debate. “I’m not a fan,” Trump said. “I think he’s overrated.” Trump also added that Russian President Vladimir Putin “would eat him alive.”

Trump said that he thinks Jeb Bush should drop out of the race because he doesn’t have a chance. In another interview, when asked to do a Bush impression, Trump quipped, “I don’t like showing a person sleeping at a podium.”

When asked about the controversy surrounding the debate moderators and the duration of the debate, Trump said he did want the debates to be no more than two hours. He also said he wanted money from the debates to go to Veterans, rather than to the TV networks.

He said, however, that he doesn’t mind answering tough questions. “I just want to answer the questions and be done with it. We’re being asked very rude questions, many of them directed at me. I just want to have a debate. I want to answer tough questions.”

Trump stated he believes he will be the Republican nominee, and that he will face Hillary Clinton.

Polls show that Ben Carson is currently leading, with 29 percent of the vote, compared with Trump’s 23 percent.

Publication date: November 3, 2015