Donald Trump Says He Collects Bibles and Distributes Them to Others

Donald Trump Says He Collects Bibles and Distributes Them to Others

Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump has entered the 2016 presidential race as a Republican candidate. The Blaze reports that Trump has an unlikely hobby: collecting and distributing Bibles. 

In a 2011 interview, Trump said that fans send him a lot of mail, including Bibles. While he cannot keep all of the mail he receives, Trump said that he collects the Bibles and gives them to others. 

Trump said, “I get sent Bibles by a lot of people. We keep them at a certain place. A very nice place. But people send me Bibles. And you know it’s very interesting. I get so much mail and because I’m in this incredible location in Manhattan you can’t keep most of the mail you get.”

“There’s no way I would ever throw anything, to do anything negative to a Bible, so what we do is we keep all of the Bibles. I would have a fear of doing something other than very positive, so actually I store them and keep them and sometimes give them away to other people, but I do get sent a lot of Bibles and I like that. I think that’s great.”

Prior to announcing his campaign, Trump said he would be the “greatest representative of the Christians they’ve had in a long time.”

Publication date: June 17, 2015