Donald Trump Uses Bible Reference out of Context While Explaining Boycott of Debate

Donald Trump Uses Bible Reference out of Context While Explaining Boycott of Debate

Donald Trump has stated that he is boycotting this evening’s debate because he believes moderator Megyn Kelly will not treat him fairly.

In a recent interview with Bill O’Reilly, posted by the Huffington Post, Trump explains why he is boycotting the debate, stating that he will be hosting an alternate event which will raise funds for veterans.

O’Reilly argues with Trump, saying that he should participate in the debate so that the American people will be given the opportunity to see him in a public debate forum. 

“In your Christian faith, there is a very significant tenet and that's the tenet of forgiveness," O'Reilly said, referring to the grudge Trump appears to be holding against Megyn Kelly.

"I think you should be the bigger man," O'Reilly added. "Don't you think that's the right thing to do?"

"It probably is," Trump agreed. "But y'know it's called an eye for an eye. I guess also you can look at it that way."

"No, no, no," O'Reilly countered. "That's Old Testament. If you're the Christian, the eye-for-the-eye rule goes out. Here's what it is: Turning the other cheek." 

Trump brushed aside O’Reilly’s comments, saying that O’Reilly was taking the issue much more seriously than he himself was.

Publication date: January 28, 2016