Egypt: Christians Gather to Pray after Christian Man is Murdered

Egypt: Christians Gather to Pray after Christian Man is Murdered

Christians in Egypt gathered together to pray after a Christian man was killed and three others were injured in attacks in southern Egypt.

The man stabbed to death, Fam Khalef, was 27.

The attacks began on Monday over who had right of way in a street. Muslim adults attacked Christian priests and their families with batons and knives, according to

Police say they arrested four people in connection with the attacks.

This week, mourners gathered at a church to pray for Khalef, chanting, “With blood and soul, we redeem the cross.”

The attack is the latest in a string of violence against Christians. On Saturday a group of Muslims set fire to houses of Christians after a rumor spread that a Christian had planned to turn a kindergarten into a church.

In the week before, another group torched Christian homes over another rumor. In May, a Muslim mob forced an elderly Christian woman to parade naked down the streets of her village over a rumor that her son had an affair with a Muslim woman.

Al-Azhar, the country’s top Sunni Muslim authority, has asked both Christians and Muslims to not succumb to the temptation to “sow discord and ignite sectarian strife.” 

Christians in Egypt make up only 10 percent of the population.

Publication date: July 19, 2016