Egypt's Coptic Women Abducted in the Name of Islam

  • Religion Today
  • Published Jul 20, 2012
Egypt's Coptic Women Abducted in the Name of Islam

According to a new Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) report, the number of disappearances and abductions of Coptic women is on the rise, all with the goal of converting them to Islam, CBN News reports. "It's a war of attrition against the Christians, using the women as scapegoats," said Michele Clark, CSW board member and co-author of the report. She added that while most cases include kidnapping, abuse and forced marriages, some radicals also use the lure of romance. "They go and make the girls fall in love with them," she said. "He gets one; she's married off, goes out, recruits another. He gets her, goes out, recruits another. The same name is recited in five separate police reports." Some believe the abductions are part of a wider campaign to impose an Islamist agenda. "The practices of abducting, torturing and forcing conversions on Coptic women or any element of society is a terrorist attack," said Middle East expert Walid Phares. U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said: "I don't care who's in the White House, Democrat or Republican. When women are being abused, when anybody's human rights are being taken away, there just should be no partisanship."