Egyptian Christian Leader Joins Protests, Asks for Prayers

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Jul 02, 2013
Egyptian Christian Leader Joins Protests, Asks for Prayers

On Sunday, crowds of Egyptians across the nation marched down the streets of villages, towns and cities, raising Egyptian flags together with banners and red cards demanding that President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood supporting party leave, Open Doors USA reports. An Egyptian Christian leader who joined the protests recounted: "Millions of Egyptians spent the of entire day shouting in amazing enthusiasm: 'Leave, Morsi, leave' and 'Down to the reign of the Muslim Brotherhood.' No one raised any specific political party flags or banners, just Egyptian flags. Men and women, boys and girls, rich and poor, everybody came together in an overwhelming scene of unity of purpose and determination. Entire families marched together, as well as groups of friends. The threats that were released by Morsi's supporters as well as the shooting incidents in scattered locations in Cairo and other cities could not put down the fire of the roaring crowds. The death count of 16 and the 781 cases of injury did not manage to send people home, but rather ignited the desire to move on until Egypt is freed from the oppressive and dominating rule of the Islamic parties led by the Muslim Brotherhood. [Monday] afternoon, in a surprising and an encouraging development that may qualify to be an answer to many prayers, the Supreme Military Council (SMC) released an official announcement to confirm the ultimate support of the army to the will and desire of the multitudes of Egyptians. The leadership of the SMC, indirectly, gave President Morsi and his ruling party 48 hours to sort things out and comply to the desires of the protesting Egyptians before they impose a road map to solve the political crisis. Please continue to pray for Egypt as a new chapter of her history is being written now. We value the keen and sincere prayers of all our brothers and sisters worldwide. May His will be done in all what is happening in Egypt."