Egyptian Christians Hold Worship Service in Tahrir Square to Kick Off New Year

  • Religion Today
  • Published Jan 13, 2012
Egyptian Christians Hold Worship Service in Tahrir Square to Kick Off New Year

January 16, 2012

Cairo's Tahrir Square has been the central point of many protests and atrocities in Egypt during the last year, but one local church turned it into something completely different on New Year's Eve, Mission Network News reports. A New Year's Eve praise and worship service was scheduled to be held at Kasr El Dobara Church near Tahrir Square, but the congregation decided to go to the Square to "share with those who need to understand our hope more fully." Between 5,000 and 10,000 people joined the worship service as it moved from the church to the Square, peacefully proceeding down the street holding candles and singing songs. SAT-7, a satellite TV service for Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, broadcast the service to thousands more across Egypt, and all went peacefully as Christians and non-Christians alike gathered to pray and call out to God.