Einstein Letter Describing God as Creator Sells for Over $75,000

Einstein Letter Describing God as Creator Sells for Over $75,000

A letter penned by Albert Einstein stating God created the world has sold for over $75,000 at an auction. Christian Today reports that the famous scientist’s letter was written to electrical engineer Giovanni Giorgi and defended his theory of relativity. 

The letter read, "I agree with your opinion on the fact that the movement of an ether with a [mathematical formula] so high is particularly impossible.

"God created the world with more intelligence and elegance."

One expert called the letter “fascinating” because Einstein had said on other occasions that he did not believe in God. 

An RR Auction spokesman said, "Although he did not believe in a personal deity, Einstein was not averse to speaking of God in a scientific context when discussing differing interpretations of quantum physics.

"In 1929, he said that he believed 'in Spinoza's God, who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exists', and in the 1950s he wrote, 'If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.'”

According to Christian Today, a 1954 letter by Einstein that clearly stated he did not believe in a biblical God sold for over $3 million at a previous auction. 

Publication date: February 24, 2015