Elon University May Ban Chick-fil-A From Campus

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Oct 17, 2012
Elon University May Ban Chick-fil-A From Campus

Elon University's student senate voted 35 to 11 last week to recommend the removal of Chick-fil-A from the school's dining hall because of the restaurant president's support for traditional marriage, WORLD Magazine reports. Though a poll conducted in September by student newspaper The Pendulum showed 64 percent of students, alumni, faculty and staff wanted the restaurant to stay put, most of the students who addressed the senate before the vote asked the representatives to support the resolution to remove Chick-fil-A. The document, drafted by the school's gay-straight alliance, claims Chick-fil-A does not comply with the school's nondiscrimination policy. It must be approved by the Student Government Association president before it can move forward, and school administrators have the final say over whether Chick-fil-A goes or stays.