Episcopal Church Moves Closer to Allowing Transgender Ministers

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Jul 11, 2012
Episcopal Church Moves Closer to Allowing Transgender Ministers

A legislative body of the Episcopal Church approved on Saturday a proposal that, if it survives a final vote, would give transgenders the right to become ministers, the Chicago Tribune reports. The House of Bishops voted at the denomination's triennial General Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., to include "gender identity and expression" in its "non-discrimination canons" -- meaning sexual orientation, including that of people who have undergone sex-change operations, could not be used to exclude candidates for lay and ordained ministry. The resolution must now be approved by the church's House of Deputies. As the convention continues, the church's leadership is also due to consider approving a liturgy to use in same-sex weddings. The move comes nine years after the denomination -- which now allows gays and lesbians to join the ordained ministry -- approved its first openly gay bishop.