Evangelical Mission Organization Says It is Suffering From Lack of Missionaries

Evangelical Mission Organization Says It is Suffering From Lack of Missionaries

An evangelical mission organization says parts of North America is “unreached” due to a lack of missionaries. 

SEND, a international mission organization which plants churches in unreached locations, says it has made connections in Canada to expand its ministry, but lacks the missionaries to make it happen. 

According to Christian Today, SEND’s international director Warren Janzen said, "There's a real exciting work opening up eastward across the northern part of Canada, [to] expand our ministry among the native Alaskan and the Inuit people across the north.” 

But Janzen says the organization has “maxed out” its personel. 

"And, we are looking for new people to come and join that effort. They can bring their current skill, or they can join the current team and develop some skills in order to be the presence and bring the message of Jesus,” Jenzen said. 

Doctors, nurses, teachers, and pilots are all desperately needed for SEND’s ministry. 

Publication date: January 8, 2015