Fairness Doctrine Finally Eliminated

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Aug 26, 2011
Fairness Doctrine Finally Eliminated

The Fairness Doctrine has been officially removed from the Code of Federal Regulations by the FCC, a decision applauded by the National Religious Broadcasters. "The FCC has called the Fairness Doctrine an 'outdated and obsolete' regulation, and we wholeheartedly concur," said Dr. Frank Wright, NRB President & CEO. "In fact, for the last eight years, NRB has been actively warning Congress that the Fairness Doctrine was not dead because it was still 'on the books.' We are delighted that FCC Chairman Genachowski has followed-through on his promise to fully eliminate this pernicious rule, which enabled the FCC to compel broadcasters to air opposing viewpoints on controversial issues that the government decided to be of public importance."