Faith Groups Offer Undocumented Immigrants Sanctuary

Faith Groups Offer Undocumented Immigrants Sanctuary

Faith groups around the country are opening their doors to undocumented immigrants in their communities to keep the immigrants in their communities. 

A coalition of 24 churches and synagogues are allowing immigrants to stay in their buildings after President Obama decided to delay an executive order that would prevent the individuals from being deported. Fifty-two more congregations have also announced their support for the project. 

Rev. Alison Harrington of Tucson’s Southside Presbyterian Church said, "Every day this movement is growing because every day hundreds are threatened with a final deportation order, and they are turning to congregations who have promised to follow the commands of their scripture to welcome the stranger and to love their neighbor. All over the nation, communities of faith are saying we won't break our promise."

The faith groups are using their facilities to house the undocumented immigrants knowing that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents rarely enter churches because they are “sensitive areas” the Huffington Post reports. 

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.),  said, "The sanctuary movement is a response to the lack of action. It is a response to the humanity of the issue. And I think it is going to be a cornerstone in pushing the decency of the American people to demand of its elected officials to do something."

Publication date: September 25, 2014