Fake Homophobia Complaint Lands Street Preacher in Jail

Fake Homophobia Complaint Lands Street Preacher in Jail

A British street preacher was put in jail for 11 hours after a woman accused him of homophobia. 

The Daily Mail reports Pastor Rob Hughes had been preaching in Basildon for 20 minutes when a woman approached him, saying that she was “gay and proud.” She accused him of homophobic speech and reported him to authorities.

Hughes, who had been recording his speech, had not mentioned homosexuality. 

The pastor was ordered to go to the police station where he was questioned, fingerprinted and his mugshot was taken. 

The incident occurred in September 2013, but Hughes has now told the story in a video

Hughes said, “The whole experience left me feeling that street preachers - it's now a case of being presumed guilty until found innocent, which is really the wrong way round.” 

The preacher filed a lawsuit for the wrongful arrest and imprisonment supported by the Christian Legal Center. Hughes was awarded $3,800 in an out-of-court settlement. 

He said, “Christians should be gracious in the midst of persecution, but at the same time we have a right to submit a legal defence.”

Publication date: June 1, 2015