Fan Having Seizure Recovers after Tim Tebow Prays over Him

Fan Having Seizure Recovers after Tim Tebow Prays over Him

Tim Tebow, who is now pursuing a career in baseball, prayed over a fan who had fallen to the ground with a seizure, and the man reportedly ceased shaking and recovered.

According to ABC News, Tebow was engaged in his first game with the Scottsdale Scorpions in the Arizona Fall League when the incident occurred.

Thirty-year-old Brandon Berry was sitting in the front row of the stands watching the game when he was suddenly overcome by a seizure, fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and body convulsing.

Seeing the commotion, Tebow rushed over to help. He prayed over Barry, and witnesses say seconds later, Barry regained consciousness.

"You just remember what's important," Tebow later told ABC News. "Baseball's awesome it's something I'm so excited I get a chance to pursue, but what's important is lives matter, people matter. This young man, he mattered. So my first instinct was to just be with him, put my hands on him and pray for him.”

"We get caught up in so many different things, things that we're pursuing and we forget about what matters most is the people around us," he added.

Barry was taken to the emergency room following the incident, but was soon released and is reportedly doing well.


Publication date: October 12, 2016