Federal Court Keeps 'In God We Trust'

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Sep 12, 2013
Federal Court Keeps 'In God We Trust'

A challenge to America's national motto has been struck down by a federal district court, CBN News reports. Dr. Michael Newdow and the Freedom From Religion Foundation sued to have "In God We Trust" deleted from U.S. currency, but the court stated there was ample body of case law and they could only come to one conclusion. The order rejects arguments that the motto violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The American Center for Law and Justice represented 41 members of Congress and almost 90,000 Americans who opposed Newdow's lawsuit. "The decision is welcomes and well-reasoned," said ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow. The ACLJ, in a brief submitted to the court, points out the national motto reflects the historical beginnings of the United States and that removing all references to God to please atheistic preferences is not supported by the First Amendment. The brief also explains, "The national motto simply echoes the principle found in the Declaration of Independence that our freedoms come from God and not the state" and that the Establishment Clause is not intended to guarantee the public will not be exposed to religion or religious symbols.