First Openly Gay Bishop Announces Divorce from 25-Year Partner

First Openly Gay Bishop Announces Divorce from 25-Year Partner

Gene Robinson announced over the weekend that he and his partner Mark will be filing for divorce. Robinson was the first openly homosexual priest to become a bishop in the Anglican church.

He has since retired from his post as the Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire. Robinson now serves as a senior Fellow at the Center for American progress in Washington, D.C. reports The Christian Post.  

Robinson composed an e-mail to the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire informing the parishes of his decision.

“It is time to share with you, our diocesan family, that my partner and husband of 25+ years, Mark, and I have decided to be divorced. As you can imagine, this is a difficult time for us -- not a decision entered into lightly or without much counseling. I’m sure that you will understand the private nature of this change in our lives and our commitment to keeping those detail appropriately private,” Robinson wrote.

“Our life and ministry among you continues to be something that both of us count as an honor and blessing. We ask for your prayers that the love and care for each other that has characterized our relationship for a quarter century will continues in the difficult days ahead.”

Robinson told The Daily Beast that he has faith that God will bring about something positive in the difficult situation.


Publication date: May 5, 2014