Five Children Killed in Bombing on Nuba Mountains

Five Children Killed in Bombing on Nuba Mountains

Five children from the same family were killed when a bomb hit their home, according to Christian Today. The bombing occurred during a government air raid on Heiban market on Thursday, October 16. The children died as they tried to run for cover.

The murdered children were 6-year-old Kuku James, 7-year-old Anur Jafar, 10-year-old Aziza Jafa, 14-year-old Yaya Jafar, and 16-year-old Sria Jali.

The Nuba Mountains are located in South Kordofan, Sudan.

Open Doors reports that two weeks ago government forces dropped 15 bombs on the village of Mardes.

"The bombing marked a notable increase in the indiscriminate bombing of civilians," retired Bishop of the Diocese of El Obeid, Sudan told the Catholic News Service. "The gun will solve no problem and violence generates violence."

Open Doors issued the following prayer:

Father, we bring before You these precious lives, snuffed out in acts of violence. We pray for their families; that they would know the tender embrace of their souls as You comfort them. We pray for Christians in the Nuba Mountains and in CAR as they reel from the trauma of these attacks. Strengthen them with the presence of Your Spirit within them. Grant them courage to face each day and wisdom to respond in ways that honor You. We pray for peace to return to these nations that have too long been beleaguered by war. We pray for total disarmament of the armed groups in CAR and for the government of Sudan to ruler her people with justice and compassion. In the midst of all these tragic circumstances, we pray for Your gospel to bring about an outpouring of Your Spirit on these lands; that a multitude might turn to Christ in repentance; that lives and governments might be transformed, and that a mighty voice of praise might be lifted up to Christ.

Publication date: November 4, 2014