Florida: Atheist Sets up Anti-Trump Festivus Pole Near Nativity Scene

Florida: Atheist Sets up Anti-Trump Festivus Pole Near Nativity Scene

An atheist has erected an anti-Trump Festivus pole near a nativity scene as a form of protest.

The Huffington Post reports that Florida resident Chaz Stevens erected theFestivus pole on city property in Deerfield Beach.

Festivus is a secular holiday. It originated on the TV comedy show "Seinfeld" and is celebrated on December 23. It’s signature item is the Festivus pole.

Stevens’ pole serves two purposes: to mock Trump and to mock Christmas.

He therefore placed the pole near a nativity scene and decorated it with a “Make America Great Again” hat with a large safety pin through it.

“Wrapped with an upside-down American flag (acknowledging the majority of Americans who didn’t vote for the Pumpkin In Chief), this year’s pole is shorter, a shout-out to Donald’s tiny hands,” Stevens explained. “We’ve donned Distresstivus with the infamous Make America Great Again red cap, and fastened it all together with a big ol’ safety pin.”  

Stevens has also applied for a permit so he can eventually burn the display.

Stevens has erected other Festivus displays in past years. This year, he is placing a pole in Delray Beach as well as the one in Deerfield Beach.


Publication date: December 2, 2016