Franklin Graham Offers Support to Elon Musk for Deciding to Reopen a California Factory despite Lockdown Rules

Franklin Graham Offers Support to Elon Musk for Deciding to Reopen a California Factory despite Lockdown Rules

Evangelist Franklin Graham says he supports Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO, for his decision to reopen a manufacturing plant in California regardless of local shelter-in-place rules.

“I don’t know Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, but I like that he’s standing up for his rights, which are your rights too,” wrote Graham.

“He’s been trying to get his car manufacturing plant in California opened back up and get his employees back to work, but the bureaucrats want to keep him shut down even when his competitors in other parts of the country are able to go back to work.”

Musk announced this week that he would reopen his Fremont, California plant despite a local shelter-in-place order.

“Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules,” Musk tweeted. “I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.”

Graham, who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, posted his message on Facebook earlier this week, saying it’s time for the country to reopen albeit carefully.

“I like his stand!" Graham said. "I think the majority of Americans agree that it’s time to get the country opened back up, as long as it’s done with caution — don’t you?”

Alameda County says Musk’s plant has reopened beyond the “Minimum Basic Operations” allowed by the order.

“We are addressing this matter using the same phased approach we use for other businesses which have violated the order in the past, and we hope that Tesla will likewise comply without further enforcement measures,” the county said.

According to The Christian Post, Tesla representatives and county officials are working on a plan to reopen under the local order.

“If Tesla’s Prevention and Control Plan includes these updates, and the public health indicators remain stable or improve, we have agreed that Tesla can begin to augment their Minimum Business Operations this week in preparation for possible reopening as soon as next week,” the county said.

Photo courtesy: ©BGEA/Getty Images/Loren Elliott/Stringer

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.