Franklin Graham: 'PayPal Gets Hypocrite of the Year Award' for Boycotting North Carolina over Transgender Bathroom Bill

Franklin Graham: 'PayPal Gets Hypocrite of the Year Award' for Boycotting North Carolina over Transgender Bathroom Bill

The Rev. Franklin Graham has said that PayPal deserves “the hypocrite of the year award” for its refusal to expand its business to Charlotte, North Carolina after the state passed a controversial transgender bathroom bill.

The Blaze reports that Graham criticized the company in a Facebook post, stating that although PayPal refused to do business in Charlotte, North Carolina because of the new law preventing transgender individuals from using the bathroom of their choice, the company conducts business in many countries where homosexuality and transgenderism is severely persecuted.

“Congressman Robert Pittenger made a great point yesterday: ‘PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in to the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position,’” Graham wrote on his Facebook page.

Graham went on to say that PayPal does business in Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and soon will be expanding to Cuba. All of these countries have persecuted homesexuals and transgenders, said Graham, including arresting them and subjecting them to torture and execution.

“PayPal only agreed to come to Charlotte in the first place after holding out for millions in corporate incentives,” Graham wrote, continuing to call the company out on their hypocrisy. “And under the current law that they are so strongly protesting, PayPal could have chosen their own corporate bathroom policies.”

North Carolina’s Gov. Pat McCrory and those who support the new law see it as a measure to protect women and children from sexual predators, but opponents of the bill say it discriminates against the LGBT community.

“H.B. 2 was motivated by an intent to treat LGBT people differently, and worse, than other people, including by stripping them of the protections afforded by the City of Charlotte’s Ordinance and precluding any local government from taking action to protect LGBT people against discrimination,” stated a lawsuit being brought against the law by the American Civil Liberties Union. 

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Publication date: April 7, 2016