Franklin Graham Says Samaritan’s Purse Hospital is Helping Injured ISIS Fighters

Franklin Graham Says Samaritan’s Purse Hospital is Helping Injured ISIS Fighters

Franklin Graham said that Samaritan’s Purse is helping to care for residents affected by the war outside Mosul, Iraqi soldiers, and ISIS fighters.

“At Samaritan's Purse we work in over 100 countries and have worked in most of those on the banned list, so I feel I have something to say about this issue,' Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse, wrote on his Facebook page. “For example, right now with our Emergency Field Trauma Hospital outside Mosul, Iraq, we are treating Muslims, wounded civilians — men, women, and children — many of whom were shot by ISIS snipers as they fled Mosul.

“At the same time, we are treating badly wounded ISIS fighters," he added. "Our medical teams take them in, perform surgery, bind up their wounds, and give everyone the same compassionate, Christian care — helping them in Jesus' Name.”

The Samaritan’s Purse field hospital opened in January just outside of Mosul, where soldiers are fighting to push ISIS out of the city.

According to The Christian Post, in the hospital’s first few days, it treated about 100 patients who all had life-threatening injuries.

The hospital will remain open for at least six months, said Dr. Elliott Tenpenny, the hospital’s director.

“We live and work in a difficult place,” she said. “You wake up and go to sleep with the sound of artillery and gunfire around but we are protected by our security that is here. There is no specific incident that has made me fearful, but we are sitting close to a war zone and we hear the war going on behind us and we know what the people are going through in those areas.”


Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: February 14, 2017