Franklin Graham Says World Turmoil is Sign of Jesus’ Coming

Franklin Graham Says World Turmoil is Sign of Jesus’ Coming

Evangelist and prominent Christian figure Franklin Graham has stated in a recent Facebook post that “the world is unraveling,” and that this points to the fact that Jesus will one day return to make things right.

The Christian Post reports that Graham cited recent news headlines and stated, "While the United States is focused on its own politics, the world is unraveling. The danger signals are everywhere. Beheadings, rapes, murders, bombings are taking place every day across North Africa through the Middle East, all the way to the borders of India.”

Graham went on to detail the threats posed by Russia and North Korea, noting that the latter “has successfully test fired a long-range missile that has the potential of eventually reaching America with a nuclear bomb.”

Despite the dire news headlines and seemingly imminent danger, Graham assured Christians that Jesus will one day return and set things right.

"One day He is going to wipe the slate clean and 'create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind,' (Isaiah 65:17). For those who have trusted His Son Jesus Christ by faith, there is an eternal future with Him to look forward to," Graham wrote.

Graham has been an outspoken advocate for Christians who are suffering genocide in the Middle East. He has also encouraged Christians in America to vote for a candidate who supports Biblical values and principles in the 2016 election as part of his Decision America Tour. 

Publication date: February 19, 2016