Franklin Graham Shares What Verse Billy Graham Has on Display in His Home

Franklin Graham Shares What Verse Billy Graham Has on Display in His Home

Editor's note: Billy Graham passed away this morning at the age of 99. To read more, click here.


The Rev. Billy Graham is well-advanced in age. His 99th birthday is coming up next month, but as he grows older, the famous evangelist continues to prioritize Scripture.

Recently, the Rev. Franklin Graham, the elder Graham’s son, shared in a Facebook post that his father has a particular Bible verse displayed all over his North Carolina home.

According to, the younger Graham called it his father’s life verse. "Still today, my father Billy Graham has a Bible verse pinned up on the wall in his bedroom, printed in VERY large letters. In fact, it's in the dining room, his bathroom, and several other spots around the house! Back before his 95th birthday, he was working on a sermon based on this key Scripture. It was his passion to memorize it, to saturate his heart and mind with it. He made it his life verse," Graham wrote in the recent Facebook post.

The verse, Graham continued, is Galatians 6:14, which reads: "But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."

The younger Graham went on to say that this verse is “a great verse for us to live by.”

The elder Graham will be celebrating his 99th birthday on November 7. Although he has slowed down in his old age, his son says he continues to focus on Scripture and also enjoys visits from family members and close friends.


Photo courtesy: Getty Images

Publication date: October 12, 2017