Franklin Graham: This Nation Wasn't Built on Islam

Franklin Graham: This Nation Wasn't Built on Islam

President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association and Samaritan’s Purse Franklin Graham has once again spoken out about the Islamic religion. This time, Graham addressed Duke’s decision to allow the call to Muslim prayer to be sounded from its bell tower on Fridays, followed by the university’s reversal of the decision. 

Speaking on WNCN News, Graham said, “I agree with diversity but what’s happening with this country is all these religions are getting front row and Christians are being pushed -- and we’re the majority -- are being pushed back to the back of the room.” 

The evangelical leader went on to say that Christianity built America, not Islam. 

“This country was built on Christian principles, it was men and women who believed in God and believed in His Son Jesus Christ who built this country. We’re the greatest nation in the history of the world. It wasn’t built by Islam, and it wasn’t built by any other group. It was those who supported and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ,” Graham said. 

“[W]e’re the greatest nation in the history of the Earth and we have people today that want to destroy what we believe and what we stand for. I think the university needs to understand that the world in which we live today, we’ve been at war now 10 years against terrorists and the terrorists we’ve been fighting are people who support and believe in the Islamic faith.”