Franklin Graham Urges Christians to Pray for a Nation in Trouble

Franklin Graham Urges Christians to Pray for a Nation in Trouble

At a recent rally at the Tennessee Capitol, the Rev. Franklin Graham urged Christians to pray for America and to vote for candidates who uphold biblical principles.

The rally was part of Graham’s Decision America Tour which, according to, seeks to encourage Christians to pray for a country which is in trouble “spiritually, racially, economically, and politically.”

Graham not only urged those gathered to pray for the country and to vote for leaders who will uphold biblical principles, he also encouraged Christians to run for political office themselves to make a difference in the direction of the nation.

During the rally, Graham asked the crowd to confess the sins of the nation, including abortion, the legalization of same-sex marriage, racism, and a focus on materialism. 

In the Decision America Tour, Graham aims to visit all 50 state capitols. 

Although Graham said he doesn’t place his hope in either the Democratic or Republican parties, he believes Christians are called to be involved in the political process and that God will hear their prayers for the country.

Photo courtesy: Religion News Service

Publication date: May 4, 2016