Girl Scouts Deny Taking Position on Abortion despite Honoring Pro-Abortion Campaign

Girl Scouts Deny Taking Position on Abortion despite Honoring Pro-Abortion Campaign

Patti Garibay, founder and executive director of American Heritage Girls (AHG) announced that the Girl Scouts USA “have lost their moral compass,” drawing attention to the organizations continued engagement with “left-wing political activism,” and close partnership with pro-abortion organizations such as Planned Parenthood, “exposing young girls to liberal politicians and promoting their ideology.” 

With the 107thanniversary of the founding of Girl Scouts approaching, Garibay addressed how far the present-day organization has come from its inception, and how much its values and emphases have changed.

Girl Scouts USA recently honored a recipient of the Gold Award, Girl Scout’s highest achievement, to an Arizona girl scout for her project in which she organized a pro-choice campaign promoting “reproductive health justice,” according to Life News.  

The young high schooler said she became interested in advocating for abortion after the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. She worked with the Women’s March to “educate people about and de-stigmatize access to women’s healthcare.” 

The Girl Scouts organization states on its website that it doesn't “develop materials” or “take a position” on issues relating to birth control, sexuality, and abortion, said CBN News. In spite of this, the Girl Scouts have a “cozy relationship” with the abortion industry, according to co-editor of, Christy Volanski. 

Girl Scouts’ statements concerning these relationships conflict with the organization’s history. Their website clearly states they do “not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood.” 

Yet Kathy Cloninger, former Girl Scouts CEO told NBC in that Girl Scouts “partner with many organizations. We have relationships with our church communities, with YMCAs, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.” 

CBN News reveals that in a 2013 national survey, 17 Girl Scouts councils admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood. 

Many faith-based communities and leadership have broken ties with the organization because of its continued connection to Planned Parenthood, and instead have been encouraged to turn to American Heritage Girls troops, an organization which “stands for Life and created a Respect Life Patch in 2015 to reinforce the organization’s commitment to honoring life from conception to natural death.” 

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Drew Angerer/Staff

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