Girl Scouts Return $100,000 Donation Because it was Designated for Biological Girls Only

Girl Scouts Return $100,000 Donation Because it was Designated for Biological Girls Only

The Girl Scouts of Western Washington are making headlines this week after returning a $100,000 donation that was designated for biological girls only. ABC News reports the donor included a note that the gift “not be used to support transgender girls.” 

The Girl Scouts officially welcomed transgender girls into troops in May of this year. 

After returning the donation, the Girl Scouts launched a fundraiser using the hashtag #ForEVERYgirl. The campaign raised over $100,000 in less than 24 hours. 

A video for the fundraiser said, "Girl Scouts empowers EVERY girl regardless of her gender identity, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity [and] sexual orientation. EVERY girl deserves access to a safe friendly environment where she can stand up for what she believes in and be proud of who she is."

Girl Scouts CEO Megan Ferland said, "Girl Scouts is for every girl. And every girl should have the opportunity to be a Girl Scout if she wants to."

Publication date: July 1, 2015