HGTV Cancels Show that Features Hosts with Biblical Worldview

HGTV Cancels Show that Features Hosts with Biblical Worldview

The cable network HGTV has pulled reality series Flip It Forward allegedly because the hosts of the show, brothers David and Jason Benham, hold a biblical worldview on the issues of life and marriage.

The network made its announcement on Twitter stating, “HGTV has decided not to move forward with the Benham Brothers' series.” The real estate series was set to debut in October.

Apparently the decision came following an article by Right Wing Watch that detailed the family’s activist history in the pro-life movement. The twin brother’s father, Flip Benham, is director of Operation Save America.

The brothers have been flipping homes for years and the television program hoped to share their insights for house-flipping success with Charlotte-area couples that never thought they could earn extra income for their families.

Faith Driven Consumer, the group behind the movement, which played a key role in Phil Robertson’s return to Duck Dynasty, has launched the #FlipThisDecision campaign calling on HGTV to reinstate “Flip it Forward.”

“This is pure intolerance, discrimination, and bullying toward those who hold to widely held and legitimate views. HGTV’s rash actions hold no place in America’s rainbow of diversity. Whether people agree or disagree with the Beham’s faith-driven perspective is beside the point; the Benhams have a right to have those views and to be treated equally with those who hold to other viewpoints. This is the very definition of tolerance,” said Chris Stone, Founder of Faith Driven Consumer and Certified Brand Strategist.

In a statement the Benham brother’s said:

"We were saddened to hear HGTV's decision. With all of the grotesque things that can be seen and heard on television today you would think there would be room for two twin brothers who are faithful to our families, committed to biblical principles, and dedicated professionals. If our faith costs us a television show then so be it."

Meanwhile, HGTV announced last week that openly gay talk show host and comedian Ellen DeGeneres launches her new show ‘Ellen’s Design Challenge’ set to air in 2015.

Publication date: May 8, 2014