Hobby Lobby's Request to Halt Contraception Mandate Gets Hearing Date

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Jan 04, 2013
Hobby Lobby's Request to Halt Contraception Mandate Gets Hearing Date

A judge has scheduled a hearing for Christian crafts retailer Hobby Lobby's request for preliminary injunction on the Health and Human Services mandate that would require the company to provide emergency contraceptive coverage or face steep fines, the Christian Post reports. The hearing will take place at 10 a.m. on Oct. 24 in Oklahoma City. Hobby Lobby's owner and founder, David Green, says the mandate violates their religious beliefs because it forces the business to provide insurance covering abortion-inducing drugs, such as the "morning-after" pill. When Hobby Lobby filed suit against the federal government in September, it became the first evangelical employer to challenge the mandate. Thirty-one lawsuits have been filed to date against the mandate, which takes effect on Jan. 1, 2013.