Homeschool Family Sues New Jersey for $60 Million after Social Worker Enters House without Warrant

Homeschool Family Sues New Jersey for $60 Million after Social Worker Enters House without Warrant

A family who homeschools their son is suing the state of New Jersey for $60 million for sending a social worker to search their home without warrant. reports that Chris and Nicole Zimmer homeschool their 15-year-old son. Last January, a social worker knocked on their door and demanded to be let in to question them and search their house.

Chris Zimmer says at first he refused, but then conceded for fear of having his son taken away.

“I wouldn’t let her in the house, but then she told me I had ten minutes or else,” Zimmer said.

The social worker did not show any badge or warrant. reports that the social worker came to the Zimmer’s house following an anonymous tip.

She then proceeded to meticulously question the Zimmers on the education of their son and what kind of curriculum they used.

The social worker also questioned the Zimmers about the guns the family owned. She asked to see the guns in their safe, and then broke into the safe to see how easy it would be for the Zimmer’s son to break in and get the guns out.

The Zimmer’s son holds a permit to hunt with his father. “If the state trusts my son to walk around the woods with a gun, I can trust him in the house with a gun,” Chris Zimmer stated. 

The social worker also asked the Zimmer’s son if his parents ever abused him.

The Zimmers are suing New Jersey for this unlawful entry and search by the social worker. They say, if they win the case, they will donate the money to help other families battling for their rights. 

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Publication date: October 9, 2015