House Church Movement Sees Growth in China

House Church Movement Sees Growth in China

House churches in China are growing and spreading in some areas, according to reports.

Liu Qiang, a house church pastor, said when he was growing up, believers in China met behind boarded up windows and doors. Today, his church has an open invitation in front of his home.

Zhao Jun, another pastor and church planter, said the house church is still being persecuted in China, but there are areas where government has backed off.

“We went through a test during the Cultural Revolution and now there is rapid growth,” Zhao said.

Years ago, believers had to be wary of carrying a Bible in public. Today, Christians can buy the Bibles in a church bookstore.

According to an article in the Christian News Journal, technology is allowing the gospel to spread more easily.

“Now, we have computers and phones and many ways to look at His Word,” Liu said.

Christian workers also meet with people who come to the city looking for work.

“When people are outside of their comfort zones, they are open to new things,” Alexander Kirkpatrick, a Christian worker, said. “There is more openness because people are in transition.”

While many house churches meet in homes, others meet in the break rooms of the factories. Pastor Liu spends some of his week walking the factory floor and talking with the workers.

Publication date: July 30, 2014