House GOP Introduces Bill to Block Obama’s Transgender Directive

House GOP Introduces Bill to Block Obama’s Transgender Directive

GOP lawmakers have taken action to prevent the Obama administration from coercing public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom based on their gender identity, rather than their biological gender.

The Washington Examiner reports that Rep. Luke Messer, R-Ind., proposed legislation on Wednesday that would not allow public schools to be punished for refusing to comply with the Obama administration’s directive. The bill is the Prohibiting the Usurpation of Bathroom Laws through Independent Choice School Act, or the PUBLIC School Act.

"Everyone on both sides of this debate should be treated with respect," said Messer. "And, through public discourse, I believe we can come to a solution that protects the privacy and dignity of everyone involved."

"But,” he continued, “it's irresponsible for the Obama administration to begin this social experiment in the bathrooms of our nation's elementary schools. Decisions of this magnitude should be made at the state and local level by people who will put the interest of our kids ahead of political ideology."

Seventy-three GOP lawmakers joined Messer in his effort. Together, they drafted a letter to the Obama administration, asking for clarification on what the directive truly entailed, and if schools would be punished if they failed to comply.

The bill states that federal funding cannot be withheld based on transgender bathroom issues, and that local school authorities have the right to institute their own policies.

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Publication date: May 20, 2016