House Passes Bill Barring Federal Funds for Abortion Coverage

House Passes Bill Barring Federal Funds for Abortion Coverage

Republican lawmakers pushed a bill through the House of Representatives Thursday that tightens restrictions on abortions. The bill passed on the same day as March for Life, the pro-life event that drew 500,000 life advocates to Washington, D.C. 

Fox News reports that the pro-life bill bars federal funding for abortions. The bill followed a similar pro-life bill that would have banned late-term abortions; it was abandoned after female lawmakers voted against it.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. said, "I urge my colleagues to stand with the hundreds of thousands of people out on the Mall right now by voting for this bill. Stand up and commit to creating an America that values every life."

House members ultimately voted 242-179 in favor of the bill that will ban the use of federal money for abortions. 

Publication date: January 23, 2015