Humanitarian Aid Groups Continue to Provide Relief to Philippines

Humanitarian Aid Groups Continue to Provide Relief to Philippines

December 12, 2013 the worst typhoon to ever make landfall in the Philippines killed some 6,200 people and displaced millions more. Six months after Typhoon Haiyan struck humanitarian aid organizations continue to help the people of the Philippines rebuild.

While some organizations have moved on to other disasters, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is one group that continues to assist in the Philippines, both with dollars and genuine Christian concern.

Yet, in the midst of the chaos and destruction, “God has been at work through the Disaster Response team of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod,” noted the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of the LCMS, in a recent letter to the church. “He’s done that most recently in the Philippines, where disaster dollars are changing lives and offering hope.”

Christian Aid is another such organization providing assistance to the Philippines.

According to Christian Today nearly half of the population is now classified as living below the poverty line.

Mel Smith, Christian Aid's press officer spent three weeks in the hardest hit areas of Samar and Leyte in the immediate aftermath of the typhoon, almost half the population is classified as living below the poverty line.

"Since Haiyan Christian Aid and its partner organizations have reached more than 185,000 people in some of the most affected and isolated areas with food, sleeping mats, water, blankets and shelter kits,” said Mel Smith, Christian Aid’s press officer. “We are now helping people to find jobs and rebuild their communities. Haiyan... destroyed homes, jobs and whole communities.”

Since the typhoon, Convoy of Hope has partnered with Kind Kart and Filter of Hope in an effort to raise awareness and provide much needed water filters to survivors of Typhoon Haiyan.

Each filtration unit provides up to 150 gallons of safe drinking water every day.

Publication date: May 7, 2014