Hundreds Turn to God During West Virginia Revival

Hundreds Turn to God During West Virginia Revival

A spiritual revival has been sweeping through southern West Virginia where hundreds have reportedly turned to the Lord and been saved.

CBN News reports that the revival began as a three-day event at a local church, featuring Tennessee evangelist Matt Hartley. However, the revival continued after the three days were up, and has been going on for three weeks.

"This is not man-made, charismatic, hyper spiritual," Hartley told CBN News. "This is the presence of God that is overwhelming us, that is being released upon hungry people that are tired of just stagnant Christianity and ‘safe’ church. They want Jesus more than anything else. That's why they're here.”

Hartley also spoke at the local high school in Williamson, WV where hundreds of students turned to God.

"Four-hundred to 450 students got saved at Mingo Central from Matt Hartley coming in and speaking at a voluntary prayer club," Katie Endicott, with the Mingo Central High Prayer Club, told CBN News.

The revival has spread like wildfire, from school to school and church to church. Some are calling it the biggest revival ever to have taken place in the history of southern West Virginia.

One woman reported that her husband, who she has been praying for for years, came to faith through the revival.

In addition, a local student said that because of the revival, “We're starting to have prayer circles at school and we're reading and having Bible studies at school.”

Hartley believes that the revival will reach beyond West Virginia and has the potential to spread around the world.

"I believe God has preserved this state for the end-time awakening that's coming to America," he said. “I believe that this is the beginning of where it happens and it's going to spread as a wild-fire throughout the nations of this world, that Jesus is going to be exalted.”

"And the more Jesus is exalted the more the river of God is going to flow -- and we have not seen anything yet to what God is releasing," he concluded.

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Publication date: May 4, 2016