Idaho Legislature Passes Bill Allowing Bible in Public Schools

Idaho Legislature Passes Bill Allowing Bible in Public Schools

A bill that would allow the Bible to be used in the classrooms of public schools has passed the Idaho legislature and now goes on to Gov. C. L. “Butch” Otter’s desk for approval. reports that the bill would allow the Bible to be used as a reference for subjects such as literature, history, music, and world geography. Teachers would be allowed to use biblical texts in their lessons, although the bill states that the Bible cannot be used for scientific subjects.

“A lot of teachers are scared to use the Bible,” said Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll, who sponsored the bill.

Public schools are already allowed to reference the Bible as well as other religious texts in the classroom, but this piece of legislation specifically focuses on the Bible and makes it clear that it can be used in public school instruction. notes that no student or teacher would be forced to use the Bible if they did not want to.

Publication date: March 22, 2016