Idea of ‘Safe Zone’ for Iraqi Christians is Introduced in D.C. Meeting

Idea of ‘Safe Zone’ for Iraqi Christians is Introduced in D.C. Meeting

In a recent meeting in Washington, D.C., a proposal was made for a “safe zone” for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. reports that the proposed safe zone would be located in the Nineveh Plains, northeast of Mosul, Iraq. Hopes are that if created, the safe zone would become a sovereign state for persecuted Christians.

This possible solution to the genocide of Middle East Christians and other minorities was questioned by some at the meeting which was attended by Iraqi Christians, Yazidis, and members of other religious minorities.

Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs, USA, was opposed to the safe zone solution, despite believing strongly that Christians in the Middle East need help.

"How would this happen? Who would defend it? Would the governments in that area allow such a thing to exist? And who would be welcome there?" Nettleton asked.

Nettleton also said that putting all Iraqi Christians in the same location would diminish the Christian witness in the region.

"[W]ho's going to go to the Muslim area and share the Gospel? How are Muslims going to encounter Christ through the example and testimony of their neighbours and co-workers and friends?" he asked.

Instead, Nettleton believes Christians need to be encouraged in their faith so that they can continue to witness in their communities.

He added that Voice of the Martyrs is currently providing humanitarian aid, basic necessities, as well as Bibles and evangelism tools to Christians in the region.


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Publication date: September 28, 2016