Immediate Humanitarian Aid Needed to Help Victims of Israeli/Hamas Conflict

  • Christian Headlines Editorial Team
  • Published Oct 11, 2023
Immediate Humanitarian Aid Needed to Help Victims of Israeli/Hamas Conflict

The conflict between Israel and Hamas continues. With each passing day, the death toll increases.  The conflict between Hamas and Israel has resulted in significant casualties and disruptions. According to authorities, the Hamas attack in Israel has led to the unfortunate loss of at least 1,200 lives and left over 2,700 individuals wounded. In response, Israeli strikes in Gaza, as reported by Palestinian officials, have claimed the lives of 1,055 people and caused injuries to more than 5,100. Tragically, at least 14 American citizens have lost their lives in the ongoing conflict, with another 20 reported as unaccounted for, including individuals allegedly held hostage by Hamas.

Israeli authorities have stated that over 100 people have been taken captive, while Hamas, in a concerning turn of events, has issued threats to execute civilian hostages in response to Israeli airstrikes on Gaza. The situation has further escalated as Israel and Hezbollah engaged in hostilities near Lebanon's border, raising fears of potential spillover effects. In response to the escalating tensions, the United States has deployed an aircraft carrier to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, citing it as a 'message of deterrence' to discourage further widening of the conflict.

Israeli airstrikes have also impacted the Rafah land crossing between Gaza and Egypt, leading to its closure and leaving Gaza residents with limited options for movement. The World Health Organization has reported that Cairo has granted permission for the use of the crossing to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian supplies to Gaza, acknowledging the urgent need for assistance in the region.

  “The scenes we are witnessing in Israel are heart-wrenching,” Christians United for Israel (CUFI) responded to the surprise attack on Israel, “Our prayers are with the people of Israel.” 

The need is expansive as the conflict wages on. Many of us want to help our brothers and sisters in need. Christians United for Israel is one of the many organizations ready to make an immediate impact. To help them respond to the tragic events ensuing in Israel, click here. Or, visit

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, stated, “CUFI is more than just an organization. You’re a cause, a mission of the utmost importance. And you have united more than 10 million people to fulfill that mission. Israel was given life by those who walked through the valley of the shadow of death. We are here because our faith compels us to fight the return of that darkness. We are here because, in Israel, we see the faithfulness of God kindled into the light.”

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Fatima Shbair/Stringer

The views expressed by CUFI do not necessarily reflect those of

The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), a nonpartisan organization, is related to the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.
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