Indiana College Students Give Pizza Delivery Driver $1,300 in Jesus' Name

Indiana College Students Give Pizza Delivery Driver $1,300 in Jesus' Name

College students from Indiana Wesleyan University gave a pizza delivery driver over $1,300 in tip as part of the school’s weekly chapel service. Driver James Gilpin was given $1,268 in cash, along with $70 in gift cards and thousands of handwritten, inspirational notes when he delivered a pizza order totaling $12.50. 

The students gave the driver the generous tip after Indiana Wesleyan’s CEO of Residential Education Keith Newman challenged them to “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” 

Newman said, "When I do any kind of teaching, I try to use stories because that's the way I learn. I think stories are great, but if you can show somebody a story, it's even more powerful. And if you can involve them in the story, it's even more powerful. So we had the chance to act out a story."

Gilpin said he was surprised and touched by the gesture.

"I thought it was very nice for an average Joe like me to get something like that. They didn't know me from me Adam, and they just picked me out random and handed me the money. It was really nice. It's nice to know that there's a lot of encouragement from Indiana Wesleyan and their students to do something like that. It couldn't have come at a better time. I'm very grateful for what they've done for me,” he said. 

Gilpin plans to use the generous tip to buy Christmas presents for his children later this year. 

Publication date: October 14, 2014