Iraq Genocides Spark International Prayer

Iraq Genocides Spark International Prayer

Today, Aug. 6, is being marked as a day of prayer for Iraqi Christians suffering against Islamic State members.

Aug. 6 is also the day of the Feast of the Transfiguration, the day that Jesus appeared on Mount Tabor in front of Peter, James and John.

In Catholic and Orthodox tradition, the Feast of the Transfiguration is a day of hope.

Iraq church leaders are asking Christians worldwide to pray for an end to the conflict in Iraq and Syria.

"May the light of Tabor fill the hearts of all suffering people with consolation and hope,” said Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako. “May the message of Tabor, through our prayers, inspire the leaders of Iraq to sacrifice personal interests for the common good and welfare.”

Added Bishop of Clifton, Rev. Declan Lang: “I call on our government and those of other states to prioritize action to save the Christian and other persecuted communities of Iraq and to offer them the help and support they need urgently.”

The day of prayer comes as Huffington Post writer Nuri Kino called for government action to stop the violence. Recently, he started the #demandforaction Twitter campaign. According to Kino, the Islamic State is slaughtering Christians and needs to be stopped.

“Americans of all backgrounds: if you are God-fearing and freedom-loving, please support Christians of Iraq and Syria!”

But Kino said he wants the UN to “sit at the table with IS to negotiate for human rights and the protection of Assyrians and other minorities.” 

Publication date: August 6, 2014