Is Interest in Christian Community Fading?

Is Interest in Christian Community Fading?

Some statistics seem to indicate that interest in Christian groups on college campuses is fading.

Florida Today reports that, for example, the Central Florida Wesley Foundation, comprised of University of Central Florida (UCF) students, only has 80 members, down from 125 members back in 2007.

Other Christian college organizations on college campuses have seen declines in members as well.

UCF’s Campus Crusade for Christ ministry is down 186 members since 2007 and a Catholic ministry on the campus has lost 95 members. 

“I don’t know if it’s just a lack of interest or commitment,” said Charity Lopez, associate director of the Wesley Foundation. “It’s easier to stay at home on your couch.” 

Florida Today says the decline in membership echoes a national trend. The Pew Research Center reports that 5 million fewer Americans call themselves Christian today than in 2007. 

However, although fewer people are identifying as Christian, nondenominational congregations are growing in number, implying that people are perhaps abandoning traditional churches in favor of other outlets of faith.

“Christian communities are not on their deathbed,” says UCF World Religions lecturer Jeanine Viau, who added that the Pew Research surveys can be misleading because they are so black and white. “ And it's worth noting that Pew survey estimated that still 71 percent of Americans identify as Christian,” Viau continued.

Publication date: November 11, 2015