India: Islamic Mob Storms Prayer Meeting, Beats and Harasses Christians

  • Religion Today
  • Published Apr 12, 2012
India: Islamic Mob Storms Prayer Meeting, Beats and Harasses Christians

April 13, 2012

Islamic extremists in India attacked a Christian prayer meeting in West Bengal state, beating a 65-year-old widow and other women less than a month after they helped drive a young woman out of her home and village for her faith, Compass Direct News reports. On March 30, a mob of about 100 Muslims in Nutangram, Murshidabad district forced their way into a home where 11 Christians were gathered for lunch and worship. The mob shouted anti-Christian slogans and threatened to murder the Christians as they pushed, kicked and slapped them. 65-year-old widow Moyazan Bewa was beaten, and others received minor injuries. Hundreds of other Muslims gathered to watch as the mob chased the Christians outside and throughout the village and harassed them for about 90 minutes. "We pleaded with the radicals to let us go, and eventually they freed us while they were still shouting at us to leave Jesus or face more sufferings," one Christian said. The Christians fled to the outskirts of the village and took refuge in a home; they filed a police complaint against the assailants but so far no arrests have been made. In the same area of Nutangram on March 9, Islamic extremists drove 22-year-old Rekha Khatoon out of her village after helping her parents beat her nearly unconscious because she gave thanks to Jesus for healing.