Islamic State Demands $6.6 Million for Captured American Woman

Islamic State Demands $6.6 Million for Captured American Woman

Islamic State militants have revealed that an American woman is in their captivity and have demanded $6.6 million for her release. The woman’s name has not been released, but it is known that she was kidnapped last year while on a humanitarian mission in Syria. 

The Muslim extremists have also ordered that Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui be released from prison in Texas. Christian Today reports Siddiqui was convicted of assault and attempted murder of U.S. official in September 2010. 

Siddiqui’s family have denied the charges and maintain she is not associated with al-Qaeda. A letter from the family read, "If the issue is true, we would like to state that our family does not have any connections to such groups or actions. We believe in a struggle that is peaceful and dignified. Associating Aafia's name with acts of violence is against everything we are struggling for.”

Islamic State militants are also holding American journalist Steven Sotloff ransom. Sotloff appeared in a video last week. 

Publication date: August 27, 2014