Israel Strikes Back After Syrian Attack on IDF Soldiers

Israel Strikes Back After Syrian Attack on IDF Soldiers

Early Wednesday morning, Israel Defense Forces targeted several Syrian army positions that attacked Israeli soldiers Tuesday. The targets included a Syrian army training facility, military headquarters, and artillery batteries.

The attack happened in the northern Golan Heights when an explosive device was detonated against IDF soldiers injuring four soldiers.

“The attack against IDF troops yesterday is an unacceptable escalation of violence from Syria,” IDF Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner said in a statement. “We will not tolerate this threat against Israeli civilians or troops, and we will fulfill our mission: to prevent, protect and defend against hostilities from Syria.”

“The Israeli counter attack on Syrian forces is the absolute minimum that could be expected after the Iranian-influenced Syrian attack on Israeli soldiers at the border, said David Rubin, a former mayor of Shiloh, Israel. “Israel is currently being tested on all of its borders, not to mention the Palestinian terrorists within and the Iran nuclear threat. Expect tensions to rise substantially in the coming days, weeks, and months, as the inevitable conflict with Iran comes closer.”

According to Reuters the attack on IDF soldiers caused the worst casualties since the civil war began in Syria three years ago.


Tuesday the Obama administration notified the Syrian government it had suspended operations of its Embassy in Washington, D.C. and its honorary consulates in Troy, Michigan, and Houston, Texas. Syrian diplomats at the embassy and Syrian honorary consulates are no longer permitted to perform diplomatic or consular functions and those who are not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents must depart the United States.

"We have determined it is unacceptable for individuals appointed by that regime to conduct diplomatic or consular operations in the United States," U.S. special envoy to Syria Daniel Rubenstein said in a statement.